Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So one of my friends apologized for whining on her blog and I personally didn’t feel that she was whining. To me, whining connotes a negative feeling. I like to call it venting. She was being a single mom to 4 kids for a few weeks. Something no one could possibly do without feeling a wee bit of stress!

I would like to apologize as well, but I probably shouldn’t because that would mean I was sorry and that I won’t do it again. While I’m sorry that some of you have to read about our crappy days and I am trying to be a bit more positive about life. I’m going to be honest; I’m probably going to whine again. So know that I appreciate all the support we’ve gotten from everyone. I’m not saying things to get sympathy from anyone. Writing about it is just one of the many ways I’ve been dealing with stress. While Chad has been living and working in a different city during the week, we've both learned a lot. Apparently Chad learned that I could survive on my own if I anything happened to him. Somehow talking about him being dead was supposed to have comforted me. I love my super sensitive husband!

Anyways. . . I’m going to try harder to focus on the positive and then maybe, just maybe, you won’t have to hear about the negative! (I’ll save that for phone calls to my mother).


rigbyspot said...

That's the Brooke I know and Love! Still making me laugh!!

Kathryn said...

Hey Becky emailed me and she wants to see your blog, so since it is private. her email address is

Taneil said...

Ahh, I like it real. We all have bad days, and in a weird way it's uplifting to know of other's struggles, because you see how they are able to deal with life. Of course, I my last post was a good ole negative vent too! It just feels good to complain sometimes!

Russ, Emily, Parker and Hannah said...

I really don't mind reading your venting entries. It makes me feel like a normal mom.

Em said...

Wow, jack is amazing. not that I am trying to be an annoying mom and compare, but... Hailey is 16 pounds and still showing no signs of any movement. are you doing solids with Jack? anyway I thought that picture of chad sleeping was cute. um, so we are going to the doctor today because kade fell out of the plays set at the park and is still limping... Yeah I'm a good mom.

Lawther family said...

whine away, every needs to vent every now and again or they would go crazy. I like to read blogs that show their venting, it lets me know I'm not alone. :)