Monday, November 17, 2008

Mondays are stinky!

I hate Mondays, I really really really hate Mondays. I hate waking up to an empty bed and knowing I'm going to have to do it 5 more times before I get to see him again. Really its only the 47th Monday I've had to do it give or take a few. OK I'm done whining now.

One more week until Thanksgiving break. Chad and I decided to just hang around here for the Holidays. Mostly I’m just being selfish and don’t want to spend the break driving to and from somewhere only to not hang out with each other once we get there. We’ll also be here for Christmas.
We’re still looking for jobs. Chad is still employed but we're looking elsewhere since the housing market is so stinky and Pacific West, a residential construction company, isn't looking so great. It’s so much fun spending my kid free moments staring at a computer screen typing in the same info over and over again. We’ve gotten to the point where we’re applying to jobs anywhere, including Canada -although that one was kind of an accident but the job pays well so we’ll see.


Jackie said...

I don't know how you do it, I really don't. And free furniture...that is AWESOME! Good luck in the job hunt.

Sally said...

I am totally jealous of the free furniture. That is awesome!

rigbyspot said...

Great deals on the furniture! Good luck with the job hunting!

The Mortons said...

Hey! Its so good to see you! I hope you got my invite, I did go private! I would love to upgrade from particle board, nice score!!!!!

Kathryn said...

that sort of sucks what with the market, but so awesome free furiture!!! love it. and i would totally come visit the motherland to see you!

The Drinkwater Family said...

I can totaly sympathize with the staring at the screen typing the same thing over and over! I did that for Justin every so often for like 2 years. No fun! But hopefully something good will come of it! Good Luck!