Friday, December 5, 2008

They're evolving!

In the film Jurassic Park there is that scene where the kids are in the kitchen in the visitors center and have shut the door behind them because Velociraptors can’t open doors right? Then slowly we see the handle on the door turn . . . well today I had a similar experience.

There I am finishing up getting ready for the day in the bathroom. I had just shut the door on Mooch before he could do his little speed crawl through it. (Mooch isn’t allowed in the bathroom because he thinks the toilet is his own personal water park.) I hear him banging on the door with his little 9 month old hands, so naturally I look over at the door. Then I see it. The door handle is slowly moving down. I’m thinking: "No, he can’t. Can he?" Slowly my surprise turns to fear.  I now know nothing will be safe anymore. Then Mooch pushes the door open with a smile and proceeds to crawl directly to the toilet.


Gary and Rebecca Dustin said...

I love crack me up!!!!

Dave and Mel said...

You are in trouble Brooke. Very clever little boy.

Wendy said...

Hey Brooke! Are you going to be able to make it to Tree-town for Christmas? You can't miss the chimes at gma's house! :)

Taneil said...

Jack is remarkably advanced for his age! I saw the kid practically walking at church!

The Merrell Family said...

I love your analogy, that was funny!


P.S. Nice music!

Lawther family said...

Love it. Love the analogy to perfect. :) Glad to hear that you are getting out of Reno and get to have your hubby back in the same house as you. :) Have fun packing and try not to stress. :)